Want to know what photos
people around you are
posting to Instagram?
Drop a pin and find out!

Use the map

DiscoverView accesses your phone's GPS to locate your position and show you recent Instagram photos taken nearby. You can also drop pins on the map to see photos from those locations.

Get inspired

Scroll through photos to get a sense of the place.
Click on any photo to make it bigger and display a button to see where that photo was taken on the map. You can save photos to your phone as well as view photos directly on Instagram.

Test it out!

Click on the phone screen on the left to test out DiscoverView. Use the navigation bar at the bottom to toggle between the map, home, and photo views. When viewing photos, hold down for options to save photo to camera roll or see on Instagram.

  • Instagram API
  • Built with React Native
  • React Native Maps

Find your view

Simple yet powerful, DiscoverView can lead you to your next
favorite place. Where will you go?